Friday, February 21, 2014

How to add Duration and Work Fields

The IntelliGantt App for SharePoint 2013 introduces a huge improvement over its predecessor, the IntelliGantt Web Part for SharePoint 2010: Scheduling! Now you can have real duration and work values in your project plans, though we still try to keep things simple. We've created special in-place editors to handle these duration and work fields so that it combines the number and the unit of measurement together. In other words, a number field and a minute, hour, day, Week, Month, Year dropdown.

As your schedule is updated, IntelliGantt will update these fields for you as well. You can change the duration to make a task longer or shorter. Or drag the endpoint of a task in the gantt chart to see durations change. Summary tasks will use the least start and most finish dates to compute their duration. A kind of 'psuedo rollup'.

Work fields are in fact rolled up as a summation. The top level work field in your view is the sum of all work values in your view, so you can quickly see how much work a particular view of tasks contains. Also, the Work field number portion isn't editable, just the units. Instead, Work is computed to be (Resources * Duration). Each Work field starts out as 0 value. Add an assignment and you will see the Work field match the task's duration. Add another assignment and the Work field will be double the duration, and so on. Yes, Level of Effort is in the works, and that will be another blog post coming soon!

Of course, the basic SharePoint task list doesn't come with a Duration or Work field, so how do we add them? Simple, create a 'Single line of text' field named 'Duration' and a 'Single line of text' field named 'Work'. IntelliGantt will treat these as reserved words and, even though they are really text fields in SharePoint, display and interact with them as Duration and Work.

IntelliGantt in the Microsoft Store

Another milestone here at TeamDirection as we've made IntelliGantt for SharePoint available in the Microsoft Store for SharePoint. We intend to be flexible on pricing for IntelliGantt users so for the store we do a simple $1.99 per user per month. This should make it very affordable for small teams and provide a consistent revenue stream for support and new features. Microsoft has done a nice job integrating it into your SharePoint experience for Office 365 and its quite easy to install IntelliGantt for SharePoint and try it out. However, things are not set in stone as we're just starting off with the Microsoft Store for SharePoint.
The other option for you is to simply load our file to your SharePoint server, be it in house or Office 365. Same tool and functionality, just a different way to acquire, license and deploy.
This one is priced by site collection at US$365 per year. This gives a medium sized company an easy way to license and deploy IntelliGantt for everyone at a very reasonable price. As many users and as many sites within the site collection as you like, one license for everything.
Finally, we have had customers who use site collections to organize smaller efforts of works, which means rather than 1 site collection with 365 sites, they have 5 site collections with 73 sites each. What we are thinking for that case is to introduce an 'instance' license. That is, up to 365 instances of IntelliGantt placed on a page in sites across site collections. Something like $365 per year again for 365 instances of IntelliGantt seems to make sense.
The last thing we want to do is make it difficult to figure out which license to purchase, but SharePoint is used in such a variety of ways that a 'one license fits all' strategy is too constricting as well. Let us know what you think!