Wednesday, February 24, 2010

MindManager for SharePoint Released

Perhaps you noticed that a popular desktop program just acquired rich SharePoint connectivity. Since its released I can finally tell you a little about it.

We've been working very closely with Mindjet for the last several months enhancing the core MindManager product with the ability to authenticate with SharePoint, discover its site map, acquire data from web parts and even apply simple, relavent queries. The end result is SharePoint items become MindManager topics within your MindManager maps.

We're very excited about this solution for several reasons. First and foremost-- it's built upon TeamDirection technology (yay team!). MindManager uses our TeamDirection Windows Sharepoint Services Communication library (TWSS) so that it can work with both SharePoint 2007 and with SharePoint 2010. This is the same communication library we are building our next versions of IntelliGantt on, which is great because its been well tested.

Second, we think this solution is the perfect example for what makes a desktop application so useful-- the ability to personally aggregate data from multiple sources into a view of your choosing and design. MindManager with the TWSS makes it easy to roll SharePoint data from multiple lists, sites and SharePoint servers into one visually compelling, and comprehensible, map. You could have 5 different browsers open clicking through each site in your browser, or you can have one map showing all the late tasks-- with automatic refresh to keep you absolutely up to date.

If you've been finger wrestling the mouse left-click button with all the different sites, lists and display pages within SharePoint, you should checkout what MindManager for SharePoint offers. It's a great application and your fingers will thank you!

Third, we've agreed that third parties can use the TWSS installed by MindManager for SharePoint to do their own SharePoint operations.

And fourth, it's just plain cool to see your technology in use for a product with a user-base in the millions and growing.

Overall, its been a great experience that we at TeamDirection would absolutely do again. In fact, if you have a product that you think would benefit from tight SharePoint integration, TeamDirection has the know-how, the tools and the experience to make it happen.