Friday, December 15, 2006

Update Release Shortly

We're going through testing right now preparing a release addressing bugs and some new features.

Thanks for your feedback!

It means so much to us as we make TeamDirection Project a world class product. Speaking of world class, we're getting so much interest from Russia that there could be a Russian version coming soon! And yes, we do have plans for other languages too. French and German will most likely be next.

I would also very much like to do a Japanese version. In fact, if you're a reseller in Japan and are able to help us with translation, please contact me.

Back to the bug fixes and features...

Bug fixes:

1) TeamDirection wasn't handling some of the add-on business templates for SharePoint from Microsoft very well, so we've improved this.

2) We had an issue with imported custom resources causing problems with SharePoint synchronization. This has been fixed.

3) We had an issue with vacation days in MS Project files. This has been fixed.


1) One user requested that we NOT publish summary tasks to SharePoint since it can add many more tasks to the list. We heard him and we agreed. There is now a checkbox when you publish tasks asking if you want to publish summary tasks too. The default is not to publish summary tasks.

Why would you want to publish summary tasks? We've seen projects that are mini-workflows where the tasks is a repetitive function and the summary task gives it context. For instance, the summary task might be 'Update Website' and the subtask is 'Copy Files'. Then the next summary task is 'Update Internal Server' and the subtask is 'Copy Files'. That kind of thing.

2) Presence information is now in the resources lists. This aligns better with our philosophy of turning resources back into real people. As such, you can see when real people are online.

We should have this update on our website early next week. Again, thanks for the feedback! We're happy to respond, both in writing and in product.

And we should have a nifty 'sneak preview' of something else we're working on soon. What is it? Get ready to head to BaseCamp :)

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